Weather and Climate Science
Our team of experts is advancing day-to-day weather prediction as well as subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasts to protect the most vulnerable communities from natural disasters and changing environmental conditions.
Lynker works at the core of numerical weather and short-term climate modeling. Weather forecasting starts here, then progresses across disciplines. Ultimately, we’re a trusted partner to deliver reliable, accurate information to stakeholders.
Numerical Weather Prediction
Lynker supports improved global weather, ocean, and wave forecasts through advancing the Global Forecast System (GFS), Wavewatch III, Global Ocean Forecast Systems (GOFS, RTOFS, and MOM6). We also support improved regional weather, hurricane, air quality, and locally severe weather forecasts over the US territories and environs through advancing the regional models such as the NAM, HRRR, HWRF, HAFS, NCEP Air Quality Forecast Systems with improved physics.
Environmental Analysis Including Data Assimilation and Real-Time Analysis
Lynker supports the application of data assimilation science to improved real-time analyses, improved weather prediction using real time satellite data and improved land and ocean data assimilation systems for Land, Great Lakes, Coastal and Ocean data assimilation supporting improved land and ocean forecasts.
Ensemble and Seasonal to Sub-seasonal (S2S) Forecasting
Lynker supports the development of probability-based forecasts at all scales through the development of forecast ensembles and applications ensembling science to weather and climate forecasting systems. We also support the coupling of weather, ocean, sea ice, land, and aerosol models to improve sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecasts.
Numerical Science and Model Engineering
Lynker is supporting the adaptation of the NCEP Numerical Forecast Systems to the changing high-performance computing and communication architecture environment. We are also supporting public availability of NWS forecasts through improved engineering of operational modeling software.
Carbon and GHGs Measurements and Solutions
We partner with federal, state and local governments; academia, industry, non-profits, and local communities to support local to global monitoring, measurements, reporting and verification of GHG emissions and carbon. Implemented with an equity, justice, resilience and sustainability-centered approach, our partnerships will advance the development of local to internationally impactful climate change solutions, such as Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Nature Based Solutions (NBSs) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) strategies and technologies.
Contracts Vehicles
Lynker is a prime contractor on key multiple-award contracts across the federal government. Our contract vehicle selection includes government-wide and agency-specific contracts, Indefinite Quantity Indefinite Delivery (IDIQ) contracts, GSA schedules and other prime IDIQs and BPAs.
Our Capabilities
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We are Lynker
Lynker delivers innovative solutions to support global environmental security and economic prosperity as a trusted partner to governments, communities, and industry. We are a premier science, engineering, and technology company supporting some of the nation’s most important missions.
Corporate Headquarters
338 East Market St. Suite 100
Leesburg, VA 20176
(855) 596-5371