Marine/Ocean Science and Engineering

Marine/Ocean Science and Engineering
We collaborate with various stakeholders to balance ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural conservation priorities. We understand what it takes to holistically manage coastal, nearshore, and marine ecosystems.
Ocean Science
Lynker, a leading provider of ocean observation services, ensures continuous operation and maintenance of the world’s largest maritime observing network. We specialize in delivering high-quality, real-time data, repairing and assembling environmental platforms, transitioning new technology, and maintaining safety and environmental compliance.
Fisheries Science
We are experts in creating and integrating robust fisheries biology, ecology, stock status, food web and predator/prey relationships, and human dimensions data that facilitate best stewardship of recreational and commercial fisheries and habitats throughout the US Exclusive Economic Zone.
Coastal Monitoring
Lynker electronics and engineering technicians troubleshoot, fix, and assist in the design, deployment and maintenance of tidal observing systems across the East and West Coast, Pacific Islands, and Great Lakes. We help ensure safe and efficient maritime commerce and navigation, which increases coastal property protection, the understanding of climate change, coastal hazards preparedness and response, and sound ecosystem management.
Marine Mammal and Turtle Research
Lynker responds to marine mammal, turtle, and other wildlife strandings and emergencies in Hawaii, Alaska, and throughout the West Coast. We assist in large whale and other marine wildlife disentanglement, injured/distressed animal rescue, and onsite necropsies to determine cause of fatalities.
Lynker’s bioacoustics experts conduct passive acoustic monitoring and behavioral observations of whales and other species off both the US East and West coasts, and in the insular Pacific. We calibrate and deploy hydrophones, towed-arrays, and other tools to obtain and analyze recordings that help the government and industry protect these wonderful creatures.
Fisheries and Protected Species Observers
Lynker’s certified scientists offer extensive experience in visual sighting, acoustics, permitting, compliance, monitoring, and mitigation support for research and industry – via aerial, land, and sea platforms. We maintain a pipeline of Federally- and internationally-qualified observers with the expertise needed to plan, manage, and meet protected species regulatory requirements.
Geospatial Services
Lynker designs, creates, and manages geospatial databases and products to inform coastal and fisheries management and planning. We validate, quality control, process, and manage data; use programming skills to automate processing and geospatial analyses; and generate map interfaces, tools, and other products for a variety of target audiences.
Lynker is a prime contractor on key multiple-award contracts across the federal government. Our contract vehicle selection includes government-wide and agency-specific contracts, Indefinite Quantity Indefinite Delivery (IDIQ) contracts, GSA schedules and other prime IDIQs and BPAs.
Lynker delivers innovative solutions to support global environmental security and economic prosperity as a trusted partner to governments, communities, and industry. We are a premier science, engineering, and technology company supporting some of the nation’s most important missions.
Corporate Headquarters
338 East Market St. Suite 100
Leesburg, VA 20176
(855) 596-5371